How To Get Your Man Back - Why A Man Leaves A Woman and How To Reverse the Break Up

Have you tried to get your man back by asking him why he left in the first place? You want to know how to reverse the situation but now you are more confused than ever because he says things that don't make sense and that make your head spin? Your man can’t give you an answer that makes sense because men have a terrible time putting their feelings into words. It’s just the way they’re made. The truth is that your man slowly lost interest in you and you were not even aware it was happening. As time moves forward they leave you because you did ONLY one thing wrong. You failed to make your man feel ADMIRED.

Can you imagine that? Men want to feel ADMIRED? Well, the fact is, men feel like their manhood is in question and they have a strong loss of self-esteem when a woman stops admiring them. That's when they start looking for a woman who will admire them. And there you are standing at the door waving goodbye without a clue as to what happened.

Now,there isn’t a man alive who is going to tell his woman that the problem is,“You don’t admire me anymore”. . .you might just laugh your head off. He's not looking to be humiliated, he's looking to be admired.

But let’s take a moment and think about this for a minute.

When you first met your mate didn’t you give him compliments often? Didn’t you listen to his every word with rapt attention? I bet you couldn’t help but smile when you saw him. You were HAPPY to see him, HAPPY to hear from him. You were just plain HAPPY to have him around. This is a MAJOR clue... men are always measuring things, including how they are doing in a relationship and when men feel their women are happy �" they feel ADMIRED.

When relationship experts and psychologists tested the reasons why a man leaves a woman the men invariably stated,

No matter what I did...I couldn't make her happy anymore.

Did you know that not being ADMIRED is the #1 reason why a man will CHEAT on his woman?

In fact, you have probably seen a man leave his beautiful wife and take up with someone less than movie star quality. Haven’t you asked yourself sometime, “Why the heck is he with her when he has a gorgeous wife/girlfiend?” The man is with the woman who ADMIRES him the most. Plain and simple.

If you are not admiring your man then sooner or later another woman will and then you are at risk of losing your man to her.

Did you ever watch your man when he is around a smiley, happy co-worker or even someone else’s wife or girlfirend? It’s a turn on for a man because to him, all those smiles and that bubbly behavior around him tells him that he is ADMIRED. If he’s not being ADMIRED AT HOME then that woman is even more of a turn on because she is fullfilling a need that you are not meeting.

If a man feels admired at home those types of woman can be annoying to your man. But when he is not admired at home those woman attract him like a magnet.

Right now you are saying to yourself, “Oh for heaven’s sake what am I supposed to do now go around like a crazy, laughing, smiling lunatic just to get my man back and keep him?

The answer is no!

A man will feel admired by his woman when he sees that the woman is HAPPY with him.

There are so many things you can do to let your man know you are happy with him. And, there is one thing you have to stop right now. That’s nagging. Yep, stop nagging. It is the one sure way a man knows you are not happy with him. It’s one of the major relationship killers that men complain about.

Now this doesn’t mean you have to be a phoney and stop expressing your feelings about what you want and don’t want. No, you just have to do that in a more effective way.

How do you get your man back? Start ADMIRING HIM TODAY. You can do that and still keep your self-esteem in tact and get what you want at the same time.

You can do this very easily once you learn a few new skills. Maybe you just want to get your man back or maybe he hasn’t left yet and you want to keep the good relationship you already have. Whatever your reasons you need to do things right and you need to do them fast before your man decides that the other woman who is ADMIRING him right now is the one for him.

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